• NHIF Building, 2nd Floor, Upper Hill, Nairobi
  • info@lanetconsulting.com
Linux and Open Source Adoption

For many companies, migrating from proprietary software to open-source software makes sense. The reasons are compelling: greater stability and reliability, lower cost, access to application source code, greater security, and conformity with open standards, according to numerous independent studies and industry experts.

But for those charged with spearheading the actual migration, the project may seem difficult, unwieldy, or untenable. They may fear unanticipated technological roadblocks as well as employees’ reluctance to give up the tools they are used to.

To make that decision, organizations need to conduct a thorough cost-benefit analysis, projected out several years, based on what it would take to migrate and what it would cost not to migrate. These are not only financial costs but other costs as well, such as the amount of overall control you want over your organization’s software requirements. With a Windows-to-Linux migration, for instance, nobody can force you to upgrade or deny you a security fix. You always call the shots, so you are guaranteed to save money and retain more control in the long run.

LCG is a regional leader in the use of free and open-source software, spearheading training and capacity building on Linux and open-source technologies. We support organizations in the adoption of open-source software.